Christu Nilayam Children

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Origin of Christunilayam

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Pastor Noble Gillion is the founder of this organization. Pr. Gillion was a teacher in high school, one fine evening while in the prayer time he received Gods call in his life. He accepted the higher call  and resigned his job. He enter in to the services of human beings without caste, creed, religion and any discriminations.

 He started to care for the spiritual and bodily need of the people, he was concentrating the dalit and backward caste people, by accepting the rejected he was showing the Love  of Christ to the world.

 Mean while her sister Mrs. Flower Christy encouraged him and guided him to do the work elaborately.

Soon good hearted people joined in this noble venture. They recognized that to  have a systematic work we need do have a organization thus in the year 1974 Christunilayam came to exists.



Major Activities/Achievements

Christunilayam has Children's Home, Nursery School (Baby Creche), Vocational Training Centre, Counseling Centre, Old Age Home and many other upliftment project for the poor. In addition to this we have a income generating program for the dalits.